** You can also view and download my slides in SlideShare. **
The Future of Library Services: Innovating with AI, User Experience, and Service Design
American Library Association Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA. June 29, 2025.
Presenters: Bohyun Kim, Brandy McNeil, and Nick Tanzi
(Invited Speaker)
Customer Panel for the Clarivate Senior Leadership
Online, January 22, 2025.
Presenters: Bohyun Kim, Beau Case, Anita Natzkova, and Karen Shehade
Moderator: Reanna Myers
(Invited Speaker)
Agency-Building for Middle Managers
IDEAL (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Accessibility in Libraries and Archives) Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. July 17, 2024.
Generative Artificial Intelligence, Libraries, and The People They Serve: A Guided Discussion
American Library Association Annual Conference, San Diego, CA. July 1, 2024.
Presenters: Bohyun Kim, Trevor Watkins, and Yinlin Chen
Moderator: Peter Musser
(Invited Speaker)
Early Adoption of Gen AI at the University of Michigan
for CALA President’s Program 2024: A Panel Discussion on Artificial Intelligence (AI)’s Impact on Libraries
American Library Association Annual Conference, San Diego, CA. June 30, 2024.
Panelists: Bohyun Kim, Leo Lo, Fangmin Wang, and Changhong Wu
Moderator: Michael Huang
(Invited Speaker)
Managing What, Who, and When
20th Annual ARL Leadership Symposium, Ann Arbor, MI. January 25, 2024.
(Invited Speaker)
AI: Senior Leadership Perspectives on Regulatory Developments and Their Impacts on Higher Education
2023 ARL Fall Meeting, Washington D.C. October 17, 2023.
Panelists: Bohyun Kim (Moderator), Gail Murphy, Lois Brooks, and Venu Govindaraju.
Digital Technologies and Sustainability – Towards More Sustainable IT Project Work
IFLA World Library and Information Congress, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. August 24, 2023.
AI and Generative AI for Libraries
Austin Public Library Staff Development Day, Online. August 11, 2023.
(Invited Speaker)
Libraries and Women Empowerment at the Intersection of Development
UN High-Level Political Forum, Online. July 18, 2023
Speakers: Loida Garcia-Febo (Moderator), Bohyun Kim, Emily Drabinski, Robin Kear, Sara Benson, and Zena George
AI, Generative AI, and Libraries
INCONECSS Community Meeting No. 6. Artificial Intelligence: Impact on services, Online(/Europe). June 12, 2023.
(Invited Speaker)
Caught between Clarity and Flexibility: How to Better Plan Development and IT Work
Code4Lib Conference, Princeton, NJ. March 14-17, 2023.
Investing in AI (Artificial Intelligence): Costs and Prospects for Libraries and Archives
IFLA Satellite Conference: AI in focus: Artificial Intelligence and Libraries, Singapore. March 2-3, 2023.
The Fickle, the Federated, the Frustrating: Library Search Experiences
Code4Lib Conference, Buffalo, NY. May 24, 2022.
Speakers: Bohyun Kim, Margaret Heller, and Eric Phetteplace
Machine Learning: A New Tool for Libraries and Archives
Aeolian Network Online Workshop 4: AI/ML: Increasing Access, Visibility, and Engagement, Online. April 20, 2022.
(Invited Speaker)
Exploring Machine Learning for Libraries & Archives: Present & Future
Bite-Sized Internet Librarian International 2021, Online. September 22, 2021.
(Invited Speaker)
New Technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution: AI, IoT, Robotics, and Beyond
American Library Association Annual Conference, Online. June 23-29, 2021.
Practical Considerations for Open Infrastructure
NISO Virtual Conference: Community Owned Infrastructure: Partnerships & Collaboration, Online. March 24, 2021.
(Invited Speaker)
Expediting Access with a Browser Add-on: Open Source vs. Commercial Approach (Open versus proprietary in software and systems)
NISO PLUS Conference, Online. February 24, 2021.
Panelists: Bohyun Kim, Russell Palmer, Brooks Travis, and Erik Radio
Moderator: Leslie Johnston
From Challenges to Actions: Conversations among Faculty of Color at URI to Create a More Inclusive and Supporting Institution
University of Rhode Island 13th Annual Academic Summit, Online. January 21, 2021.
Speakers: Bohyun Kim, Melva Treviño Peña
That’s What Her Said: Advice Giving, Life Giving Conversations by and with BIWOC at URI
University of Rhode Island DE&I 365 Symposium, Online. Nov 20, 2020.
Panelists: Bohyun Kim, Princess Metuge, Michelle Fontes, Melva Treviño Peña, Martha Elena Rojas, Gifty Ako-Adounvo, Carol Pegg, Alycia Mosley Austin, and Joanna N. Ravello.
Moderator: Amelia Moore
New Technologies and Archives
Seoul National University – Archival Studies Graduate Program 2020 Colloquium, Online (/South Korea). Nov. 14, 2020.
AI (Artificial Intelligence) for Libraries
DELNET Annual Lecture, The 23rd National Convention on Knowledge, Library and Information Networking (NACLIN) 2020 Conference, Online(/India). Sep. 23, 2020.
(Invited Speaker)
Anti-Racism in Academia (ARiA): Listen
NERCOMP (NorthEast Regional Computing Program) – Leadership Ecosystem Webinar, Online. September 17, 2020.
Panelists: Bohyun Kim, Mark Davis, and Karen Warren
Moderator: Michael Reed
What Today’s AI Adoption Has Led Us So Far
Rhode Island AI Meet-Up, Online, June 5, 2020.
The Potential and Challenges of Today’s AI (Artificial Intelligence)
NISO PLUS Conference, Baltimore, MD, February 23, 2020.
Robots and Us: What Could Go Wrong? What Could Go Right?
American Library Association Midwinter Conference, Philadelphia, PA, January 26, 2020.
Keynote Panel: Transformative Emerging Technologies
Library 2.019 Emerging Technology Symposium, Online. October 30, 2019.
Panelists: Bohyun Kim, Ida Joiner, and Jim Hahn
Moderator: Christina Mune
AI & Us: Are We Intelligent Machines?
NISO/NFAIS Foresight – Artificial Intelligence: Weighing the Value for the Information Community, Online. September 25, 2019.
Speakers: Bohyun Kim, Michael Hemenway, and Michael Upshall
AI-Powered Robots for Libraries: Exploratory Questions
IFLA WLIC – IT Section Satellite Meeting, Berlin, Germany, August 21-22, 2019.
Blockchain: Transforming the Technological Future
American Library Association Annual Conference, Washington D.C., June 22, 2019.
Panelists: Bohyun Kim, Sandy Hirsh, Jason Griffey, John Bracken, and Michael Della Bitta
Moderator: Sue Alman
LITA President’s Program with Meredith Broussard: Artificial Unintelligence
American Library Association Annual Conference, Washington D.C., June 23, 2019.
Presenter: Meredith Broussard
Moderator: Bohyun Kim
Blockchain: The New Technology and Its Applications for Libraries
Special Libraries Association Annual Conference, Cleveland, OH, June 18, 2019.
Speakers: Bohyun Kim and Sandy Hirsh
Machine Intelligence and Moral Decision-Making
Libraries Facilitating Cross-Disciplinary Research Workshop, Washington D.C., May 31, 2019.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Academic Libraries
American Libraries Magazine – Dewey Decibel Podcast, Online. April 30, 2019.
Co-Presenter: Nicole Coleman
Podcast host: Phil Morehart
Impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on Libraries
ACRL National Conference, Cleveland, OH. April 12, 2019.
Panelists: Bohyun Kim, M.J. Tooey, Adam Griff, and Anne Gabriel
Moderator: Jean Shipman
People of Color in Higher-Ed Information Services: Experiences, Perspectives and Strategies (a Leadership Ecosystem webinar panel)
NERCOMP (NorthEast Regional Computing Program) webinar, Online. January 18, 2019.
Panelists: Bohyun Kim, Aixa Pomales, Michael Reed, and Stan Waddell
Moderator: Michael Cato
Taking on a New Leadership Challenge: Student-Focused Learning in Artificial Intelligence
Internet Librarian International, London, UK. October 16, 2018.
Moving Forward with Digital Disruption: A Right Mindset [Keynote]
MentorNJ In-Person Networking Event 2018 by LibraryLinkNJ -The New Jersey Library Cooperative, Monroe Township, NJ. October 5, 2018.
Overview: Possibilities and Issues with Blockchain
Blockchain National Forum, San Jose, CA. August 6, 2018.
(Invited panelist)
Panelists: Miguel Figueroa (Moderator), Bohyun Kim, Jason Griffey, and John Bracken
AI Lab at a Library? Why Artificial Intelligence Matters & What Libraries Can Do
American Library Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA. June 25, 2018.
A Pedagogical Approach to Web Scale Discovery User Interface
American Library Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA. June 24, 2018.
Closing Keynote Panel: Blockchain – Pros and Concerns
Library 2.018: Blockchain Applied: Impact on the Information Profession, Online. June 7, 2018.
(Invited panelist)
Panelists: Sue Alman (Moderator), Bohyun Kim, Miguel Figueroa, and Toby Greenwalt
From Virtual Reality to Blockchain: Current and Emerging Tech Trends
LibraryLinkNJ Webinar series, Online. May 8, 2018.
Technology (τέχνη), Knowledge, Information, and Intelligence
University of Rhode Island Libraries – New Faculty Presentation, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI. Feb. 27, 2018.
Interdisciplinary Learning on Artificial Intelligence through Libraries
Code4Lib Conference, Washington D.C., Feb. 15, 2018.
- Poster
- Abstract and PDF (on OSF)
Top Technology Trends – Artificial Intelligence & Social Entrepreneurship
American Library Association Midwinter Conference, Denver, CO. Feb. 11, 2018.
(Invited panelist)
Panelists: Felton Thomas (Moderator), Bohyun Kim, Ida Joiner, Kathryn Harnish, Ken Chad, and Lisa Hinchliffe
Emerging Leaders Workshop: Q&As about Career Path
American Library Association Midwinter Conference, Denver, CO. Feb. 9, 2018.
(Invited panelist)
Panelists: Audrey Barbakoff (Moderator), Bohyun Kim, Ed Garcia (Cranston Public Library), and Janice Tsai (Mozilla)
Building Bridges in a Divisive Climate: Diversity in Libraries, Archives, and Museums
University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI. November 30, 2017.
Panelists: Bohyun Kim (Moderator), Beatrice Pulliam, Edward Garcia, Lareese Hall, Lorén Spears, and Renee Neely
Facing Change: Tweak or Transform? [Keynote]
IOLUG (Indiana Online Users Group) – 35th Anniversary Fall Conference
Indianapolis, IN. Oct. 13, 2017.
Innovating Together: the UX of Discovery [Keynote]
IFLA (The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions) World Library and Information Congress – Joint Satellite Conference
(Reference and Information Services Section & IT Section)
Warsaw, Poland. August 16-17, 2017.
Cleaning Up the Mess: Modernizing Your Dev Team’s Outdated Workflow
American Library Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL. June 25, 2017.
Co-presenters: Brad Gerhart and Zak Burke
Level Up Your Teaching with Gamification
Harvard University Library Workshop – Come Play ‘n Learn: Gaming Principles in Library Instruction, Cambridge, MA. June 15, 2017.
Pricing, Staff Workflow, and Application Development for 3D Printing Service: Achieving the Best User Experience
Association of College and Research Libraries Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD. March 24, 2017.
Growing Makers in Medicine, Life Sciences, and Healthcare
Association of College and Research Libraries Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD. March 24, 2017.
Co-presenter: Brian Zelip
Makerspaces – American Libraries Live
American Libraries Live, Online. February 16, 2017.
(Invited panelist)
The Nuts and Bolts of Supervision
American Library Association – LLAMA Webinar, Online. Jan. 11, 2017.
Co-presenters: Audrey Barbakoff and Kimberly Knight
Moderator: Megan Hodge
The Social Dimension of Technology – 2016 ALA Annual Tech Wrap-Up
American Libraries Live, Online. July 7, 2016.
(Invited panelist)
IT Budgeting with Scarcity
American Library Association Annual Conference, Orlando, FL. June 2016.
Nuts and Bolts of Supervision
American Library Association Annual Conference, Orlando, FL. June 2016.
(Invited panelist)
Building a Makerspace: Where to Start
National Network of Libraries of Medicine – Beyond the SEA Webinar Series, Online. June 15, 2016.
(Invited speaker)
Coding for Librarians
Part 1: Why Should Librarians Care about Coding?
Part 2: Coding 101: A hands-on introduction
Reaching Across Illinois Library System (RAILS) Webinar series, Online. May 31, 2016.
Makerspaces in the Library – American Libraries Live
American Libraries Live, Online. May 12, 2016.
(Invited panelist)
Improving Your Library’s Mobile Services
ALA e-Learning Workshop, Online. Apr. 27, 2016.
Strategically UX-Oriented with Personas
University System of Maryland & Affiliated Institutions (USMAI) Unconference, Baltimore, MD. March 25, 2016.
(Invited speaker)
Visualizing Library Data
Code4Lib Conference, Philadelphia, PA. March 8, 2016.
- Slides (lightning talk)
Turning the IT Dept. Outward
American Library Association Midwinter Conference, Heads of IT Interest Group Meeting, Boston, MA. Jan. 10, 2016.
AAHSL Education Program – Technologies Panel
Association of Academic Health Sciences Library (AAHSL) Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD. Nov. 6, 2015.
(Invited panelist)
Users, UX, and Technology: Going Hi-Tech with Your Classroom AV System
Code4Lib Maryland, DC, Virginia – Regional Meeting, College Park, MD. Aug. 11-12, 2015.
Back to the Future Part III: Libraries and the New Technology Frontier
South Central Regional Library Council of New York – Webinar Series, Online, Aug. 10, 2015.
(Invited speaker)
Making a Makerspace Happen: A discussion of the current practices in library makerspaces and experimentation at University of Maryland, Baltimore
American Library Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA. June 2015.
Co-presenter: Everly Brown
Medical Library Association Annual Meeting, Austin, TX. May 15-20, 2015.
Co-presenter: Everly Brown
Transforming the Library through Gamification
ALA TechSource Workshop, Online. May 6, 2015.
Libraries Meet the Second Machine Age [Closing Keynote]
Library Technology Conference, St. Paul, MN. Mar. 19, 2015.
Getting Started with Coding
National Network of Libraries of Medicine – Beyond the SEA Webinar Series, Online. Feb. 18, 2015.
(Invited speaker)
Heuristic Evaluation in Reverse for UX Improvement
ACRL Maryland Chapter – MILES Fall Program, Baltimore, MD. Nov. 14, 2014.
(Invited speaker)
Online Payment for Your Library and Stripe as an Example
Code4Lib DC Unconference, Washington D.C., August 11-12, 2014.
Top Tech Trends – Biohackerspace & the DIYbio Movement
American Library Association Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV. June 2014.
(Invited panelist)
Learning with Games in Medicine and Healthcare
American Library Association Annual Conference, Game-Making Interest Group Meeting, Las Vegas, NV. June 29, 2014.
Quick and Easy Data Visualization with Google Visualization API and Google Chart Libraries
Code4Lib Conference, Raleigh, NC. Mar. 25, 2014.
- Slides
- Video Archive
- Code examples (in GitHub)
Building Library Hours Web App with RDF and OCLC WorldCat Institutional Registry API
OCLC Developer House, Dublin, OH. Feb. 07, 2014.
Team members and co-presenters: Jason Stirnaman, Michael Doran, and Steven Meyer
- Code examples (in GitHub)
The Future of Libraries – American Libraries Live
American Libraries Live, Online, Jan. 9, 2014.
(Invited panelist)
Tablets and Mobile Applications – American Libraries Live
American Libraries Live, Online, Nov. 14, 2013.
(Invited panelist)
Take Better Care of Library Data and Spreadsheets with Google Visualization API Query Language
2013 LITA Forum, Louisville, KY. Nov. 8, 2013.
- Slides
- Code examples (in GitHub)
Building a Faculty Publications Database
2013 LITA Forum – Lightning Talk, Louisville, KY. Nov. 9, 2013.
- Demo of the Faculty Bibliography Database for Florida International University College of Medicine
- Slides
Gamification Trend in Medical Education and Libraries
Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine Strategic Meeting, Florida International University, Miami, FL. Oct. 15, 2013
Applying Gamification to Higher Education and Libraries
Florida Virtual Campus (FVLC) -Talking Tech Webcast Series, Online, Oct. 10, 2013
(Invited speaker)
Mobile Technologies Update: what’s hot, what’s relevant
Southeast Florida Health Sciences Library Consortium Meeting, Miami, FL. Sep. 13, 2013.
(Invited speaker)
Improving Your Library’s Mobile Services
ALA TechSource Workshop, Online. September 12, 2013.
Kindle Medical E-book Reader Lending Program
SEFLIN (Southeast Florida Library Information Network) Conference, Miami, FL. July 11, 2013.
Co-presenter: Frank Fajardo
Responsive Web Design – Pros and Cons
American Library Association Annual Conference, LITA Mobile Computing Interest Group Meeting, Chicago, IL. June, 2013.
What You Need to Know before Gamifying Your Library
American Library Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL. June, 2013.
Stealth Librarianship: Creating Meaningful Connections Through User Experience, Outreach, and Liaising
ACRL Webcast, Online, March 22, 2013.
Co-presenters: Kiyomi Deards and Erin Dorney
Landing Your Ideal Library Job – American Libraries Live (Episode 2).
American Libraries Live, Online, Jan. 10, 2013.
(Invited panelist)
Geek Out: Adding Coding Skills to Your Professional Repertoire
Charleston Conference XXXII, Charleston, SC. Nov. 8, 2012.
Co-presenter: Kathryn Harnish
Social Media, ROI and Cookie Day
Charleston Conference XXXII, Charleston, SC. Nov. 8, 2012.
(Invited panelist)
Marketing the Mobile Part of Your Library
Handheld Librarian Online Conference VII, Online, August 15, 2012.
(Invited speaker)
It is Time to Look at Your Library’s Mobile Website Again!
American Library Association Annual Conference / LITA Mobile Computing Interest Group Meeting, Anaheim, CA. June 24, 2012.
I Can Do It All by Myself : Exploring new roles for libraries and mediating technologies in addressing the DIY mindset of library patrons
American Library Association Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA. June 23, 2012.
Co-presenters: Jason Clark and Patrick T. Colegrove
New Library Technology Paradigms: Open Source vs Black Box vs Hybrids
American Library Association Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA. June 23, 2012.
(Invited panelist)
The Mobile Web and Libraries’ Mobile Websites: How they changed from two years ago
Amigos 2012 Online Conference – Access by Touch: Delivering Library Services Through Mobile Technologies, Online. June 8, 2012.
(Invited speaker)
Web Usability in Terms of Words
Code4Lib 2012 Conference, Seattle, WA. February 7, 2012.
- Slides (lightning talk)
Digitizing Current Materials
Access 2011 Conference, Vancouver, Canada. October 21, 2011.
- Notes (lightning talk)
Lost in Translation: the Emerging Technology Librarian and the New Technology
American Library Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA. June 26, 2011.
(Invited panelist)
Panelists: Kathryn Munson (Moderator), Bohyun Kim, David Ratledge, Elisabeth Leonard, Gwen Evans, and Marissa Ball
Branding LITA: A Market Identity for the 21st Century
American Library Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA. June 24, 2011.
Co-presenters: Emily Daly, Pearl Ly, Andreas Orphanides, and Lauren Comito
(Poster Session)
- Poster (PDF)
- Project information
Leveraging You! Developing an Online Presence for the Job Search and Beyond
For Drexl University College of Information Science and Technology – Student Chapter of ALA, Online, May 31, 2011.
(Invited speaker)
Co-presenters: Kiyomi Deards and Erin Dorney
Personal Branding for New Librarians: Standing out and Stepping up
ACRL National Conference, Virtual Webcast / Philadelphia, PA. March 31, 2011.
Co-presenters: Kiyomi Deards and Erin Dorney
Usability Express: Recipe for Libraries
Computers in Libraries 2011, Washington D.C. March 23, 2011.
Co-presenter: Marissa Ball
Personal Branding for New Librarians
American Library Association Midwinter Meeting, San Diego, CA. January 8, 2011.
Panelists: Bohyun Kim (Moderator), Brett Bonfield, Kiyomi Deards, Lisa Carlucci Thomas, and Andromeda Yelton
Planning for Your Library’s First Mobile Website – A Pecha Kucha Presentation
Handheld Librarian Online Conference III (Online), July 29, 2010.
Information Overload & Personal Information Management
American Library Association Annual Conference, Washington D.C. June 28. 2010.
What is Your Library Doing about Emerging Technologies?
American Library Association Annual Conference, Washington D.C. June 26. 2010.
Panelists: Bohyun Kim (Moderator), Elisabeth Leonard, Frank Cervone, Peter Murray, Amanda Margis, Danielle Whren Johnson, Darcy Del Bosque, Elisabeth Abarbanel, Rebekah Kilzer, Cynthia Johnson, Jacquelyn Erdman, Kathryn Munson, Marissa Ball, David Ratledge, Gwen Evans, and Rebecca K. Miller
Mobile Access to Licensed Databases in Medicine and Other Subject Areas
2010 Dade County Library Association (DCLA) Fair, Miami, FL. March 31, 2010.
(Invited speaker)
Co-presenter: Marissa Ball
Mobile Access to Licensed Databases in Medicine and Other Subject Areas
Handheld Librarian Online Conference II (Online), February 17, 2010.
Co-presenter: Marissa Ball
Technology Instruction: Challenges and Lessons from a Web Services/Technology Librarian’s Experience
American Library Association (ALA) 2010 Midwinter Conference
Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) New Members Discussion Group, Boston, MA. Jan. 16, 2010.
Web Services in Understaffed & Underfunded Libraries
OPAL (Open Program for All), September 17, 2009.
- Slides
- Recording archived: http://www.opal-online.org/archivelis.htm