Author Archives: Bohyun (Library Hat)

About Bohyun (Library Hat)

Bohyun Kim is the Associate University Librarian for Library Information Technology at the University of Michigan Library. Formerly, she was the Chief Technology Officer and Professor at the University of Rhode Island Libraries.

Do You Feel Inadequate? For Hard-Working Overachievers

I have not been a very diligent blog writer in the year of 2013. So on the last day of 2013, I decided to write a post. I thought about writing a post with the title of “Adieu 2013!” but … Continue reading

Posted in Coding, Librarianship, Library, Technology | Tagged , , , , | 4 Comments

LITA Forum 2013 – My Talks on Google Visualization API and Faculty Bibliography

I did two presentations at LITA Forum last week. One was a concurrent session and the other was a lightning talk. This was the first time I attended a LITA Forum and it was a really great conference.  All of … Continue reading

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Redesigning the Item Record Summary View in a Library Catalog and a Discovery Interface

***  This post was originally published in ACRL TechConnect on Oct. 15, 2013. *** A. Oh, the Library Catalog Almost all librarians have a love-hate relationship with their library catalogs (OPAC), which are used by library patrons. Interestingly enough, I … Continue reading

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Suzanne Briet’s Document Antelop in Celebration of Ada Lovelace Day

**This is part of the blog bomb that all the librarians at LibTechWomen planned and I am excited to participate. : )  Find more posts celebrating Briet today in Twitter with #briet**   In celebration of Ada Lovelace Day, I … Continue reading

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My Recent ALA TechSource Workshop Slides

I have recently given an ALA TechSource Workshop on “Improving Your Library’s Mobile Services.” Did you know that now we spend 38 % of our Internet time on mobile? And we spend more time with our smartphones than with our … Continue reading

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10 Practical Tips for Compiling Your Promotion or Tenure File

 This post was originally published in ACRL TechConnect on Sep. 23, 2013. If you work at an academic library, you may count as faculty. Whether the faculty status comes with a tenure track or not, it usually entails a more … Continue reading

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Fear No Longer Regular Expressions

*** This post has been originally published on ACRL TechConnect Blog on July 31, 2013. *** Regex, it’s your friend You may have heard the term, “regular expressions” before. If you have, you will know that it usually comes in … Continue reading

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Stealth Librarianship: Creating Meaningful Connections Through User Experience, Outreach, and Liaising

I am doing a part of the ACRL E-Learning Webcast,  “Stealth Librarianship: Creating Meaningful Connections Through User Experience, Outreach, and Liaising,” next Tuesday with Kiyomi Deards and Erin Dorney and very excited about it. I will be covering UX as … Continue reading

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Playing with JavaScript and JQuery – the Ebook link HTML string generator and the EZproxy bookmarklet generator

***This post has been published in ACRL TechConnect on April 8, 2013. *** In this post, I will describe two cases in which I solved a practical problem with a little bit of JavaScript and JQuery. Check them out first … Continue reading

Posted in Coding, Web | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Using Git with BitBucket: Basic commands – pull, add, commit, push

If you do coding, you will be making lots of tiny little changes to a file. You are also likely to be working on multiple computers at different locations. For documents and other types of files, we often use Dropbox … Continue reading

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